Over the past 5 weeks, I've taught on Kingdom Entrepreneurship. It has been an amazing 5-week series that I only hope changed people's perception of entrepreneurship and gave each person a new outlook. In week one, I taught about God's wisdom and being anointed for entrepreneurship, and how without it we can't successfully carry out the assignment of stewarding a business. We have to have God's wisdom to function. In week two, I taught about serving others graciously, referencing God, and giving back to the mission. God's plan always involves servicing His people to expand the kingdom of heaven. I made bullet points on these important factors to help people understand and remember what to focus on. So in a whole week, two was about Kingdom wealth and how to obtain it through serving and giving back.
In week three of the series, I taught about how we can have our own plans, but ultimately it has the be God's way. As people, in general, we get so caught up in this, "I" thing, that we become unconsciously selfish and boastful thinking that we've done this grand thing when actually we've done nothing but create a mess for ourselves. It's ok to make plans, but if it's done in vain without the counsel of God, then you can guarantee that it won't play out in your favor. Everything we do has to be taken to YAHWEH and allow Him to give you the plan that He sees as the winner. I truly enjoyed this whole series, to be honest. Although 6 am is early, I live for Wednesday mornings. In week four, I stressed how important having Godly counsel is to your business and in life in general. Godly counsel can come through a person you don't like and have absolutely no respect for, but if you practice what I always teach about which is hearing God on the frequency He speaks on because earth waves are different than those in the spirit realm. To add to being a successful entrepreneur, you have to have the clarity from God to know who He's putting in your life to assist you on your journey.
I closed out the series today with the last teaching on, "Called To The Community". God is always focused on His people. He's concerned about you, the people around you, and how he wants to use you to impact the community He's placed you in to be the difference-maker. In everything I teach about you will always hear me mention how important it is to hear God, get instructu=ions, and get the plan from YAHWEH, and responsible carry out the assignment. Remember to get quiet often for His guidance. Be patient with yourself, don't condemn yourself nor allow the enemy to make you feel condemned, declare over your business and pray about everything. I encourage you to take some time to watch the teachings on this series I did on my YouTube channel. There is a playlist titled Mornings At His Feet. Enjoy! Click the link below to get started. Also if you need to get focused and need to start getting organized I have also included a link to a great entrepreneurial journal.